What do we really know about how Google finds your web site and displays it on its results?
Google (and other Search Engines) use various methods to locate your web site in their results list, such as Robots (who check the Meta Tags to allocate the key words) or paid services.
One of these paid services (from Google) is called AdWords, it consists in submitting your web site into Google data base and pay the quantity you decide for getting the placement in the results. The more you pay, the closer to first result you get.
The first step to getting in AdWords is creating an account.
- So we go in the Google AdWords site (click on link)
- We have to Sign In, so we click on the button "Sign up for AdWords online"
- Then we have to specify whether we have or not a Google Account and if we want to associate it with AdWords. If you don't have a Google Account you will need to create one (in the same page you can do it)
- So we write our User Name and Password and we sign in.
- Then we have to submit our web site address.
- Following you need to set up the key words (when someone search something on Google, the search words are used as key words to compare with meta tags, etc.)
- Also we have to set how much we want to pay daily to Google so they locate our results.
So easy, that would increase the number of visits on our blog or web site, and we can take profit from it (Google AdSense)
so do it!